Ahimsa Vegan Yoga retreats with Wild Sage Bakery
Alongside my best friend Selena, creator of Wild Sage Bakery (delicious plant based, vegan creations), we run Yoga and Vegan retreats in the gorgeous surroundings of Avondale Retreat Centre. We began in Samhain 2017 and have celebrated each of the seasons since. Each weekend has a unique theme around the Celtic calendar, seasonal vegan feasts, yin and hatha classes, a mandala making and intention setting circle, and lots of free time to explore the woods, relax in the infrared sauna, read by the fire, or have a chat on the swing with a new friend!
Here’s some photos from our retreats to date :)
Unfortunately due to Covid our 2020 retreats were cancelled, but we are looking forward to welcoming you to these lovely weekends again in 2021… edit, in 2022…
some other photos…
A pretty random selection of photos from the past few years! Some of the gorgeous studios I’ve taught in and where you can find me now, some from instagram, some from aaaages ago that I found on my computer!!! It was pretty special to see the photo of my first 200h certificate back in 2013, then Prenatal, and 500 hours from Swami Vidyanand (2015)- that was an emotional day! I must root out some more oldies!
I’ll update this gallery on occasion. I don’t often take photo’s during class, I want to respect the sacred space of the yoga class and to hold that space with intention and attention to my students. Sometimes though, I do cave to the pressure of social media to provide photographic evidence of what we do (with permission from the people there of course!) Some of the photo’s are also from open days where there was a photographer present. You can visit my instagram or facebook for more photos, little videos and up to date news, or have a browse here too!